It’s actually pretty easy to eliminate red meat and poultry
from our diets. When you give any thought whatsoever, the reasons are so
compelling to stop eating them. Your reasons may be physical, because you need
to lower your cholesterol or blood pressure. You may want to reduce your risk
of cancers that may run in your family, and eliminating red meat from your diet
is an important way to do this. You may also find that the way we mass-produce
meat and poultry for consumption in this country is repugnant to you. If we
really thought about the way meat and poultry is raised, we’d never eat the
stuff again. We’re consuming flesh that’s been produced from enormous pain and
suffering. Even the smallest life has value on this earth; mass producing these
animals to slaughter and eat them degrades their lives and degrades our own in
the process of eating them.
It might feel like it’s carrying things to far to eliminate
something as elemental as a shrimp or a scallop. But think about what we dump
into the ocean where this food comes from. All our waste and trash gets hauled
into the ocean, if it doesn’t go into a landfill. Think of the millions of
gallons of oil that have been dumped from oil tanker accidents. Think of the
impact that the erosion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere has had on every
living thing on the planet. There are toxic levels of mercury in fish and
seafood, so much so that if you’re a woman contemplating getting pregnant, you
most definitely shouldn’t eat fish. Your risk of producing a baby with birth
defects is extremely high if you do.
It can be hard to let go of fish and seafood, because this
has a similar texture to red meat and poultry. It’s flesh after all, even
though it’s marine flesh. It might take longer to eliminate fish and seafood
from your diet, but keep at the effort. If you’ve been realizing the benefits
of eating more vegetarian, then it’s really a small step to take to eliminate
this last piece of animal flesh from your diet. Imagine how good you’ll feel
about yourself and what you’re doing for the planet when make that last step
and eliminate all meat and animal products from your diet.
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