The main indications of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), on the other hand, are overall general physical and
mental weariness. There are many different causes of tiredness. Just because
you’re frequently tired doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve got CFS. The condition
must persist for more than six consecutive months and include other symptoms
such as memory loss, sore throat, headaches and muscle/joint pain without
swelling or redness.
Though there are several potential causes for CFS, the main reason for all
fatigue is poor nutrition. Other causes could be faulty digestion, food
allergies, obesity, sleep problems, tension or depression. Smoking, alcohol and
drugs are also contributing factors.
The main indications are physical
and mental weariness. It can be so severe that people are unable to participate
fully in normal, everyday activities. Even getting plenty of rest doesn’t seem
to make any difference for most sufferers. But, with basic lifestyle changes
and a diet rich in whole food nutrients, almost anyone can help prevent or even
reverse these symptoms.
You can switch to a more wholesome
diet that consists mainly of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Citrus
fruits, berries, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels
sprouts, red and green bell peppers, cabbage, and spinach are all full of
vitamin C, which helps promote a healthy immune system. Zinc does the
same. Red meat, fortified cereals,
peanuts and dairy products are all good food sources of zinc.
And, for protein, focus on fish
high in omega-3 oils and lean poultry, since they are loaded with essential
fatty acids (EFAs) which help improve circulation and oxygen uptake with
proper red blood cell flexibility and function. It’s imperative to get EFAs
from your dietary choices, as the body cannot manufacture them. EFA deficiencies are linked to diminished
mental capacities and immune function.
Other things that will help include decreasing
stress and getting plenty of good quality rest and regular moderate exercise. Drink
lots of pure, clean water, and avoid sweets, caffeine, sodas, processed and
salty foods. Set obtainable goals and
think positively
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